Rest In Peace, George H. W. Bush

30 November 2018

Under another president’s term, the dissolution of the Soviet Union could have taken a much darker and far more dangerous turn than it did. But President Bush valued world stability over American domination and led us steadily through a remarkably risky era.

I never did vote for him, but after his presidency, I’d come to appreciate how much he enjoyed Dana Carvey doing him (“na ga da”) and how he embraced skydiving at 80 and, too, the close relationship he’d form with former POTUS Clinton, his political foe. I admire him and Barbara for their durable, loving, 73-year marriage. He left a lot to emulate. Rest In Peace, George H. W. Bush. #41.

–Michael Lane

Author: ML

Michael Lane is a native Californian residing in the South Bay of San Diego County with his lovely wife and two dogs. He is new to ukuleles. El esta aprendiendo español.