Protestors Block Traffic at Otay Mesa Detention Center

23 June 2018

Another day of protest at the Otay Mesa ICE Detention Facility and this was the scene, late this afternoon. Protesters chained themselves to a portable barricade, blocked traffic and called for families to be reunited. 

A local church group was there protesting, as well. Their minister seemed to be negotiating with the chained group that certain cars be let through–I heard him ask if attorneys representing the families could get through, as well as an ambulance tending to a protester who, according to bystanders, was struck by a car and those were let through. 

Between one hundred and two hundred protesters. Approximately a dozen of them were with the group blocking traffic–the rest appeared to be protesting from the sidewalks and edges of streets. 

Forty to fifty cops from California Highway Patrol and County Sheriff Department. 

As of now, two hours later, the chained protesters remain and the police have not indicated when—or if—arrests will be made.


Author: ML

Michael Lane is a native Californian residing in the South Bay of San Diego County with his lovely wife and two dogs. He is new to ukuleles. El esta aprendiendo español.