If Only …

07 July 2018

Less than two weeks from now, Trump and Putin are due to enter a room, alone together. We won’t know what’s said.  

But, if Trump had only released his taxes, we’d know whether he’s laundered Russian money through real estate deals or not. Or if the current, US president still owes Russia any dough. 

If only Trump hadn’t backslapped the Russians in the Oval and given away Israeli intelligence to their ambassador. 

If there were only twenty fewer indictments—and five less guilty pleas—against people in his campaign’s orbit that all have Russian oligarchs and shady banks in common. 

If only Jared and Don Jr. and Sessions and Manafort and Strong and Flynn, et al … hadn’t all forgotten about so, so many meetings, phone calls, texts and emails with Russians while they filled out their Top Secret forms or spoke under oath in front of Congress. And if only those omissions ever involved anyone but a Russian ….

If only Trump hadn’t hired Manafort—a man who owed the Russians TEN MILLION DOLLARS—to run his campaign. 

If only Trump and Manafort hadn’t encouraged the Republican National Party to weaken the party’s opposition to Russia’s armed invasion of neighboring country, Ukraine.

If only POTUS hadn’t defied Congress by refusing to enact the sanctions that he signed into law. 

If only Trump would stop calling the search for Russian connections to his campaign and administration a “witch hunt.”

If only the president had denounced Russia’s assassination-by-poisoning of Putin enemies on British soil. 

If only Trump hadn’t tried to threaten our allies: it’d better be a G8 with Russia or else. 

If only the president hadn’t said he fired Comey because: “this Russia thing.”

If only all that … I’d feel pretty good about the meeting coming up.

–Michael Lane



Author: ML

Michael Lane is a native Californian residing in the South Bay of San Diego County with his lovely wife and two dogs. He is new to ukuleles. El esta aprendiendo español.